
  • Azad Sh. S. Al-Dabbagh
  • Sardar. Y. T. Al- Sardary




Vitamins, breast, thigh, ration, fatty acid, amino acid, birds


The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of different feeding levels (0%, 25%, and 50%) of alfalfa pellet ration (APR) (47% alfalfa) on the main carcass cuts Physico-chemical traits of Pekin ducks (Anas platyrhynchos). A total of 270 one-day-old ducklings were used. The birds at seven-day-old were assigned to 9 indoor pens of (1×2.2m) with outdoor and swimming pool (1×9.8m). Each pen represented an indoor replicate with 30 ducklings. The feeding program for Pekin Duck group treatments with (APR) (47% alfalfa) was used as a replacement to the basal diet at different percentages (0%, 25%, and 50%) for control (T0), first (T1) and second (T2) groups, respectively. At the end of the rearing period at 49 days, 6 birds (3male+3female) were randomly selected from each treatment, slaughtered and each breast and thigh muscle was excised for meat quality analysis. The results showed that treatments and sex did not significantly influence meat Cholesterol content, and most results for each of cooking loss, color, pH, chemical composition, and amino acid profile of the meat. In contrast, they had a significant effect on most fat and water-soluble vitamins, and fatty acid profiles. In general, feeding ducks with a 25% of APR improved the color of breast, and fat-soluble vitamins with Cholesterol in both breast and thigh muscle while feeding ducks with a 50% APR improved most Physico-chemical traits.


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