This is an open-access journal and all content of the journal is available for readers free of - charge immediately upon publication.
Fees for publication
- Author residing in Iraq:
- The publication fees is (250) USD for a max of 15 pages after acceptance of the manuscript.
- The journal will be providing one hard copy of the journal number and 3 copies of the manuscript.
- Authors residing outside Iraq:
- No fees required for developing countries with low-income countries, according to the World Bank Country classification by Income level.
- Elsewhere fee publication: 250$ USD.
Payment method: the payment can pay through:
- Money transfer services for authors via MoneyGram:
- Name: Fadel Younis Batash
- Address: Baghdad, Iraq.
- Bank Name: Baghdad Bank
- Authors residing outside Iraq (WU): to the following:
- Name: Fadel Younis Batash
- Address: Baghdad, Iraq.
After sending your payment, please provide the scan copy of payment
and inform us via journal’s email ([email protected]).
- Note: We only receive payment through the mentioned methods, any other documents must be sent directly to the journal's office.
- College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences
- University of Baghdad
- Al-Jadirya/ Baghdad
- Note: We only receive payment through the mentioned methods, any other documents must be sent directly to the journal's office.