carp- clinoptilolite- copper sulphate-fungusAbstract
This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of silver zeolite (SZ) on hematological parameters and survival rate in common carp, Cyprinus carpio infected with Saprolegnia spp. A total of 120 fish (weight 100 g) were divided into six treated groups in duplicate (10 fish/tank) as follows: T1, T2, T3 and T4 that infected with Saprolegnia spp. (2×104 zoospore/ml) and treated with SZ at (100,200 and 300 mg/l) while T4 infected with Saprolegnia spp. and treated with copper sulfate )5g/100 L(; C+ group, fish were infected with Saprolegnia without treatment and C- served as control negative group. Following 14 days from infection with Saprolegnia spp. and treatment with SZ, considerable changes were observed in blood indices. In pre-treatment, results showed a significant increased (P≤0.05) in WBC count in all infected fish (C+, T1, T2,T3 and T4) in comparison to C- group. RBC, Hb content and PCV% registered a significantly decreased (P≤0.05) in all infected fish (C+,T1, T2,T3 and T4) relative to the control group (C-). Post treatment, WBC registered significantly decreased in treated groups (T1,T2,T3 and T4) compared to C+ in WBC count. The best survival was recorded in T3 (85%) followed by T2 and T1 (65%, and 60%) respectively. In conclusion Silver zeolite seems to be a valuable disinfectant agent against Saprolegnia spp.; at the dose of 300 mg/l.
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