small intestinal parameters, body weight, bacterial counts , fenugreek oil, broiler.Abstract
This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of supplementing fenugreek seed oil to the diet on the physiological, anatomical and histological characteristics of broilers. A total of 200 chicks one day-old of (Ross308) were used in this study and divided into 4 treatments, 5 replicate for each treatment by 10 chicks in each replicate. The treatments were T1(control diet) = without additives (basal diet), T2 = basal diet + 0.25 ml fenugreek oil / kg, T3 = basal diet + 0.50 ml fenugreek oil / kg and T4 = basal diet + 0.75 ml fenugreek oil /kg. The results showed Fenugreek oil inclusion at levels 0.50 ml/kg exhibited significant decrease (P <0.05) in jejunum and ileum relative weight, villi height and increasing (P <0.05) heart relative weight for T3 compare with the other groups. T4 showed significant increased (P <0.05) in lactic acid bacteria count compare with control group (T1). Supplemented 0.25 ml/ kg of fenugreek oil resulted in increasing villi height, thickness and Epithelium thickness for duodenum as compared with control group. It was observed that adding 0.25 ml/kg and 0.50 ml/kg feed fenugreek oil to the broiler chicken diet could be optimum level to enhance the productivity and histological characteristics of broiler.
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